Kamis, Desember 18, 2008




38- And the Sun moves on to its destination. That is the ordinance of the Mighty, 
the Knower. 
36-Ya-Seen, 38 

For a long time in the past men thought that the earth was stationary and that 
the sun revolved around the earth. Later Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo 
postulated the theory that the sun was stationary and that the earth revolved 
about the sun. It was even later, thanks to sophisticated telescopes and the 
accumulation of cosmological data, that it was concluded that the sun was moving 
as well and the earth revolved about the sun in motion. Despite the fact that it 
took science this long, this motion of the sun had already been told 1400 years 
ago in the Quran. Contrary to the assertion that the sun traced a vicious circle 
about the earth or that it was stationary, the 38th verse of the sura Ya-Seen 
stated correctly that it moved on to its destination. As in other subjects, in 
this one also the Quran is the source that gave a correct account of the sun?s 

A book of science purports to demonstrate the theses it advances and the points 
of reference. The Quran is the message from the Creator of the Universe and 
describes the Universe in the word of its Creator, in a style different from 
that of a book on science. The fact that basic statements about the universe in 
the Quran were destined to come to light after the lapse of more than a 
millennium, that none of its statements referring to various scientific issues 
contained errors, shows that the Quran is the book of the Creator of the 
Universe. Unlike a scientific treatise that tries to find answers to such 
inquiries into the whys, wherefores and hows and seeks corroborative proofs to 
theories advanced, the Quran makes final statements. The scientific method has 
to follow a well-known path before it formulates the postulates toward which the 
Quran draws a beeline. 

We see that the methodological ways of science differ from the direct 
communications of the Quran. Regardless of statements made, science must follow 
its own path consisting of stages. This is a consequence of the structure of 
scientific knowledge. As a matter of fact, the Quran promotes scientific 
research both upon the earth and in space. On the other hand, I am not trying to 
create a contest between science and the Quran by juxtaposing the Quranic 
statements and the secular scientific conclusions. What I have been trying to do 
is to draw attention to the fact that the straightforward statements made in the 
Quran tally with the conclusions of science arrived at by following 
predetermined stages of research, thus proving the realization of what has been 
predicted in the Quran. The Quran?s origin is the Creator, who is the Knower of 
Everything. The information directly communicated by the Quran was inaccessible 
through scientific methods which would have recourse to the accumulation of data, 
formulas, observations and technical findings. The Creator of both the universe 
and the rules governing it had already communicated the findings of science in 
the Quran. 

The sun moves at a speed of 700,000 km/h in the direction of the star Vega, 
following its orbital path referred to as the Solar Apex. The Earth rotates 
around its own axis while revolving about the sun, moving along with the Solar 

The sun rises every morning and sets every night. However, the points where it 
rises and sets are never the same. The earth travels around the sun, which moves 
in the universe without ever passing through the same point. To imagine that in 
the course of time elapsed from the time at which we started reading our book 
until now that we are reading this very page, the sun, along with our world, 
have traveled a few million kilometers, and that we have not been adversely 
affected by this motion in any way whatsoever, may give use a clue of God?s 

5- The Lord of the heavens, and the earth, and all that lies between them, and 
the Lord of the easts (places where the sun rise). 
37-Who Stand in Row, 5 

Because the earth has a spherical shape, the sun that rises somewhere sets 
simultaneously somewhere else. Night and day chase each other. Therefore we 
cannot speak of a given point from which the sun rises, but rather of different 
points. The hour of dawn is different at every single point of our sphere. Every 
spot on the earth expects the rise of the sun while it is ?rising? at different 
spots in space. The sun we behold every morning is a giant nuclear reactor. This 
reactor, generated by the conversion of hydrogen atoms into helium, performs its 
task marvelously. We continue our journey in space unaware of the immense speed 
of our source of life toward our predestined point. God?s omnipotence and the 
Quran?s miracles will unfold to those who take heed, who have an inquiring mind 
and are truthful in their approach to the Quranic verses. 

43- And such are the parables we set forth for the people, but only those 
understand them who have knowledge. 
29-The Spider, 43 80

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